This movie is a science fiction comedy that takes place in the modern world. It explores the theory of panspermia, and evolution in a small town in the American southwest. The main character Ira Kane, played by David Duchovny, is a former army biologist who has fallen from grace due to some unfortunate side effects of his medical experiments on enlisted personnel. He is now working at a small community college.
When the geology professor Harry Block, played by Orlando Jones, gets called to look at a local meteor he has Ira tag along in case there is any science stuff as he puts it. When it turns out the meteor has brought some microscopic visitors to our world Ira sees his chance to get his carrer back if only he can study them first.
Everything is going well until it turns out that the microbes evolve incredibly quickly, are rapidly spreading throughout the cave system under the town, and spawning ever more complex creatures along the way.
This movie starts out slowly, but ramps up quickly as the heroes have to fight various creatures spawned from the new underground ecosystem. To keep it from being too depressing or serious there are quite a few gags along the way. The science is not treated too seriously, but the film can be used to illustrate the concepts of evolution, panspermia, and invasive species.
This movie is available at on disk or streaming. It is a fun movie, and the special effects are dated but passable. I enjoyed watching it several times and own it on dvd myself.
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