This science fiction movie is a story about an alien invasion that is more like a disease. The main character Casey Connor, played by Elijah Wood, finds a strange creature at school one day, and takes it to his science teacher. They do some brief studies and find out that the creature is very strange, and Casey leaves with his science teacher promising to send the creature off for study. After that things start to get a little crazy as the faculty and students start to have drastic personality changes overnight. Knowing about the strange creature Casey correctly jumps to the conclusion that the two things are related
Being an unpopular photography geek Casey finds it difficult to get people to believe him, but in the end he manages to get several fellow misfits, as well as some isolated popular students on his side as things go from bad to worse in their town. As the crew of misfits, and screw-ups seeks help it becomes clear that all the adults and many of the popular kids in town have been converted. The only people left untouched are socially isolated for one reason or another.
In the end it becomes clear that if this is not stopped soon then it will spread to the whole world. At this point the converted people begin to target the misfits, and it is made clear that what they have on their hands is a collective alien intelligence that has been targeting those with the most power first. The misfits have a secret weapon however. Zeke the school bad boy has been making an selling a synthetic drug at school that the alien organism's cannot tolerate, and Casey manages to garner his help to save the town and the world.
In the end it comes down to a battle between Casey and the alien collective. Casey must also battle his own inner demons as the queen of the collective offers him what he has always wanted, A chance to belong. All he must give up is his pesky humanity. In the end he overcomes this temptation, and prevails. This has the effect of raising his status, and his new self confidence allows him to get the things he wants out of life.
I really enjoyed this movie because the enemy doesn't come in guns blazing with starships filling the sky, but rather chooses to take over the planet one person at a time functioning much like an epidemic.
This movie is available on disk or streaming at , and prime members can watch it streaming for free.
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